Tuesday, June 10, 2008


This past weekend my closest show (4 miles) was in Frankfort NY, Mohawk Valley hosts a double show with Otsego. The English angoras were represented well Dru Shepherd, Colin Burns, Laurie, and myself had a quality entry. Show A ...BOB Silvertone Countryside Illusion (now granded) BOS GC Silvertone Everest. Show B BOB Silvertone La Contessa BOS GC Silvertone Everest. BIS OPEN Silvertone La Contessa white sr. doe who is only 6 1/2 months old. It was extremely hot with temps in the 90's. We were well prepared with fans and frozen packs. Since I was so close to home I took Dru's rabbits and my rabbits that had no further competition home to the cool garage. Colin pulled a BIS youth in show A congrats to him and his colored sr. doe. I will hope for cooler weather so I can get some pictures of rabbits. We only have 2 more shows this spring season, I doubt I will go to either of them as gas has gone to $4.20 a gallon and both shows are in excess of 2 hours away. If the weather is cool I may try to go to Cortland. Meanwhile Cheryl (Colin's grandmother) is recovering from her operation and was missed by all.