Convention, fair play, and grace
The ARBA Convention for 2007 has come and gone. Most of us are still tired and trying to catch up on chores at home. Tonight I was reflecting on the highest level of competition we as rabbit breeders participate in. The protocol for blind judging should give every exhibitor a fair and unbiased assessment from a qualified judge. Coop numbers and rabbit runners should assure anonymity. Exhibitors must refrain from "table talk" either with the judge or close to the judge. Perhaps as exhibitors we should be more careful to treat Convention; its judges and all exhibitors with more respect. The judge should not know who the owner is until BOB is over. The rabbits condition, type, and adherence to the Standard of Perfection should be the only thing judged. We do not compete with people; we compete with the Standard. The prize is in creating the most correct example of the English Angora possible. The real happiness comes from doing you best job, attending to details and loving care of your rabbits.
and as my mother used to say: play nice
and as my mother used to say: play nice