Monday, April 27, 2009

Fulton NY Rochester rcba Res. in show open

SILVERTONE GRAND DIVA wins Res. in show .......I hope to keep her coat on until Nationals in 2 weeks but, its suddenly very hot here. I will only try to keep the coat on if she is eating and feeling well.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


The day was beautiful, sunny warm and relaxed.
I took my Sr. white doe GC SILVERTONE GRAND DIVA almost 15 mos old and still sparkling white and lovely. We had 17 English a nice showing, BOB both shows GC SILVERTONE GRAND DIVA.........BEST IN SHOW FOR BOTH SHOWS...........GRAND DIVA. BIS judges were Howard Keller and Sam Rizzo. I also took a jr colored buck Silvertone Master Card he won his baby class both shows. Dru Shepherd had BOS both shows. This weekend coming up there are 2 shows in Fulton NY the weather is predicted to be unseasonably hot so I have not decided if I am going. Tomarrow I will groom and see if Diva can go again or if its time to take the coat off. Diva earned her first leg winning the sr. white doe class ARBA Convention 2008, its hard to think its nearly May.