This years ARBA Convention as you all know was in Louisville KY. It would have been a long drive, I was able to stop and see my 92 year old father. He is amazing! He looks like about 75 and drives all over in search of antiques. This years convention was for the most part relaxed and friendly. SILVERTONE ANGORAS held up our end by winning 3 of the 4 colored classes.
1st colored sr. doe and BOV and BOS
SILVERTONE DREAMZ OF GLORY, an amazing class of 23........
1st colored sr. buck and BOSV
1st colored jr. buck
1st in the white Sr. doe class
SILVERTONE GRAND DIVA won over an impressive class. Margaret Bartold was 2nd in the colored sr doe class with a lovely doe out of Convention 2006 Group winner Silvertone Carmella. Amy Arata was 2nd in the white sr. doe class with a doe out of 2 Silvertone parents. Colin Burns YOuth BOB is out of Silvertone Drama Queen. I had Critter portraits do pics of the Sr. class winners and I cant wait to post them, as soon as I get the CD. Overall Silvertone won more classes in the breed section than any other breeder.